Sunday, December 15, 2013


For my project critique class, we were supposed to write rules that we do, or should personally follow as artists. These are mine. 

1. Play is essential. 
2. Don't force concept. 
3. Let the concept develop from process. 
4. Plan only when necessary. (i.e. working with angles or expensive materials) 
5. Don't wait for inspiration, get to work and eventually you will come up with something. 
7. (Except more often than not stress can provide inspiration). 
8. Write down your ideas/ feelings/ anything. Get what is in your head down on paper so you can focus on what is important. 
9. Read. Read. Read. Another way to get out of your head, and get the gears churning. 
10. Do things that scare you. The most terrifying things you can do also end up being the most rewarding (i.e. welding, bronze pours, power tools). 
11. (Cheesy... but) Expect the unexpected. There is no way to tell where you'll end up in a few months, or years. Uncertainty is terrifying but an essential part of life, and art making. 
12. Be like water. Allow yourself to adapt to whatever situation may present itself. Even the smallest trickle of water can turn stone into a canyon in time, so be malleable. 
13. Allow yourself to take breaks. Drink water, EAT FOOD, and maybe even remember to go to the bathroom? Anything that can get you to step away from your work. (Which leads me to...) 
14. Step back. Spend time with your work. Step back both physically and figuratively. Place yourself in someone elses shoes when trying to actually see your work. It may lead you somewhere.